Geoff's Challenge 2014

For year 16 of Geoff’s challenges, Geoff came up with one of his popular challenges to date – a piece of equipment using valves.  Judged by Geoff, the entries gave him a challenge to decide which should be declared the winner.

Alan Walker G4UWS entered a nicely built 20 metre 2 Valve Receiver that he built from parts that were to hand. 

He fitted it with a really nice Muirhead Dial that he had as a spare.





Richard Ayley G6AKG entered two Receivers. 

The first one was a Valve Receiver using an Acorn Valve as a Detector. 

It was built from a 1960's Practical Wireless article. 

Richard exhibited the ‘Beginners Short Wave Two’ complete with the original Practical Wireless blueprint.




Richard’s second entry was still in the experimental stage. 

It was made up of a number of modules, each performing a different part of the design and were connected together on a 'breadboard'.






Geoff awarded Alan G4UWS the first prize as he thought it was compact and could be used in a portable application. He said he was pleased to see the entries and this proved that equipment like this could still be built and operated.  Geoff presented a personal prize to Alan and Poole Radio Society also presented a prize to Alan.


Geoff’s Challenge for 2015 is to make something for top-band (160m – 1.8MHz) band.  For example this might be a transmitter, receiver, transceiver, antenna – but anything that would help you get operational on top-band is fine.  Multi-band equipment is fine as long as it includes top-band.   

It will be judged at the Annual General Meeting in April 2015.